Commission Affaires Etrangères
Growing inequalities and misinformation: European Union citizens feel the effects of unemployment,increases in the cost of living and various other social inequalities. Additionally, the scepticism and distrust in the European Union have been on a steady rise since its peak in 2007. The trust in the Union has reached only 42% in the Autumn 2018 Standard Eurobarometer Poll. A rise in misinformation and anti-European sentiment on the internet, the political stage and media outlets have further influenced this trend.
The growing tendency of criticism towards the European Union or its integration often referred to as Euroscepticism, can range from a pursuit to reform certain institutions, to a complete opposition and rejection of the entire Institution, membership, and integration. According to Article 2, point 2 of the Treaty of Lisbon, “The Union shall offer its citizens an area of
freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers, in which the free movement of persons is ensured in conjunction with appropriate measures with respect to external border controls, asylum,immigration and the prevention and combating of crime.”
The European economic recession in 2009, followed by the migrant crisis in 2015 have increased anti-EU sentiment in the population. This has led to numerous anti-EU protests in Poland and elsewhere, the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU and political parties in other Member States
campaigning for their own exit. With the rise of anti-European movements in countries such as Hungary (Fidesz), Italy (Lega Nord) and France (Rassemblement National) citizens have been questioning the importance of the European Union.
In our resolution, we aim to introduce these problems and propose a solution to tackle them.
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